We're Here for good.

Mitigating. Poverty. Preventively.

(778) 968-8614

Friends of steadfastWomen & Families Application

About Us

We are a social justice real estate development company, working to revitalize impoverished neighbourhoods through social enterprise and multi-family developments.

“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.” – H.E. Luccock

Our Teams

Social Enterprise

intentional community development

Multi-family Development

“There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.” – Desmond Tutu


Steadfast Developments is known as the team that leads in bringing social justice building projects to life in Vancouver’s downtown eastside. We create vibrant new communities, provide opportunities for women and families to become homeowners, and demonstrate a working model for developers that is centred around leveraging our power and privilege to increase accessibility and ecological responsibility in housing. Steadfast Developments is not about gentrification, we’re all about collaboration and inclusion of the people and the families that already work here and call this place home. Through our unique rent-to-own program, opportunities for employment have skyrocketed in our social enterprise.

Home. Family. Job.

We believe we need all 3 to be successful.

The Triple Bottom Line

Step 1: Investors

Step 2: Developers 

Step 3: A family gets to own a home in Vancouver.

Our Vision

Steadfast Developments vision is to revitalize impoverished neighbourhoods starting in the Downtown Eastside, Canada‘s poorest postal code.  Through a preventative model we believe we can mitigate poverty and eventually illuminate poverty in the neighborhood. We want to stop poverty before it starts.

Our Mission

Steadfast Developments has a clear plan to eradicate poverty from the downtown eastside from these 7 strategies:

1. Affordable Mixed Housing

2. Social Enterprise

3. Intentional Community Development

4. Health and Wellness 

5. Education

6. The Arts

7. Parks and Recreation

When all strategies are employed poverty disappears.

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Core Principles

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We collaborate with the already hard-working individuals and organizations who align with our goals and values, which allows us to tap into experience, skill sets, perspectives, approaches, networks, and resources beyond our own for the success of our projects. Thus bringing everyone together.

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Steadfast’s team has encountered adversity and learned that tenacity and patience conquer all. We know how to stand strong, persevere, adapt, and foster resilience. We don’t give up; we find another way. There is no plan B, there is only altering plan A.

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Curiosity and humility are the keys to having a healthy growing edge. We enthusiastically apply the skills and knowledge we have, and constantly seek to expand them. Steadfast Developments encourage lifelong learners.

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We grow strong supportive communities through our co-housing model. We believe that a healthy society comes from strong relationships, and from being connected to something bigger than ourselves. Investing in people is as important to us as investing in projects.

“Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family.” – Article 25 United Nations Declaration of Human Rights

We’re running out of time

We Need Affordable Housing

Developers need to step up and put societal good before profits.

The most recent count of self-identified homeless people in Vancouver is 3,634. Of these, 1,029 people were unsheltered and 2,605 were sheltered.

In 2012, there were over 100,000 people living across Vancouver who are working, but not earning enough to escape poverty. The number has only grown alongside the increased lack of affordable housing.

The median after-tax income of a poor lonely parent of two children is $20,140. The poverty line for single-parent families is $30,962... poor families are often coping with 1/3 LESS income than would be considered to be "poor".

It costs $178,000 a year to keep people in poverty.

“I want you to understand that your first duty is to humanity. I want others to look at us and see that we care not just about ourselves but about others.” – Madam C.J. Walker

Where you fit in

Are you a woman or a family that wants to own a co-housing model?

Are you able to give money or time?

Reach out today!

3 + 2 =

611 Alexander Street, Vancouver, BC.  Office 310

